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Challenge Summary

Welcome to Soteria Exposure Registry Storyboard Update Contest Part 2.
Soteria promotes safety in the workplace and one aspect of safety is exposure to hazardous materials or chemicals. The ability for workers to register their exposures with Soteria allows for better tracking and documentation if and when problems occur. 

This is the second part of 3 multiple contests to get 3 unique designs by combining all the winning storyboards from the previous contest. We have 4 winning submissions from the previous contest. For this contest you will combine all the winning storyboards to create a strong template design based on the instructions in the requirement. 
At the end of this contest, the client is looking for a fix and strong template design which will show different design/style and flow/screens for both worker and employer. 

Round 1

Submission design for client review:
- Main.html
New Registry - 1. Your Info (worker design)
New Registry - 1. Your Info (employer design)
New Registry - 4. Attachment (worker design)
New Registry - 4. Attachment (employer design)
New Registry - Summary (worker design)
New Registry - Summary (employer design)

- Notes: Any comments about your design for the Client (Let us know what you changed!)
- Please number your files in the order they should be viewed (01,02,03,04,etc) 

Round 2

Submission design for client review:
All the screens listed in the requirement.
- Notes: Any comments about your design for the Client (Let us know what you changed!)
- Please number your files in the order they should be viewed (01,02,03,04,etc) 

Primary Goals:
The goal of this contest is to combine the provided storyboards into a strong design template. Read the instruction below for what design items need to be combined. At the end of this contest the client is looking for a solid template which will show the different design and user flows for both worker and employer. 

For this contest you will use submission 122692 as the base design for basic look and feel of the design (graphics, colors, buttons, etc) and combine all the others submissions for the Story Elements: Layout/Flow/Clickpaths/Questions, etc. 

Follow the instructions listed in the requirement below for each submissions on what design items should be merged into submission 122692 . We are looking for a new and improved design template based on the listed items and improvements.

Required pages:

Please explore the wireframe and show a "complete click-path" through the sections so we have a clear understanding of what the user is seeing. Remember, use the basic look and feel of the 122692 submission for this contest (graphics, colors, buttons, etc). 

1) Main Exposure Registry page
Reference "main.html"
- Single page design for both Worker and Employer types

2) Worker type screens/click-path
Reference "New_Registry_Worker_.html"
- We need to see screens for steps 1, 2, 4 and the Summary Page
- Note the multiple screens within each "Step"
- Provide hover condition for links/buttons

3) Employer type screens/click-path
Reference "New_Registry_Employer_.html"
- We need to see screens for steps 1, 3, 4 and the Summary Page
- Note the multiple screens within each "Step"
- Provide hover condition for links/buttons

NOTES FOR 122692
- Keep the numbered tabs along the right - it gives a nice visual cue.
Employer screens - Need to be laid out so there are more data elements per screen and less screens.
- Keep the help/information pup up about the Exposure agent - it's helpful.
Worker screens - Keep the ability to enter a question on each page.
- Worker screens - we want to minimize scrolling. Please incorporate the other submissions to avoid this.
- Keep the ability to select different language in it's own characters/alphabet instead of just written out in English.

NOTES FOR 122671 to be incorporated to the 122692
- Incorporate the ability from this submission that user can click on areas of the progress bar to jump back and forth in the registration process.
- Incorporate the ability for employer to add another worker to the exposure registration from this submission.  However, when adding another worker, we’d only want people to have the ability to another worker who was exposed to the same agent and the cause was the same.  So when adding a new worker, would need to only capture the worker’s info (contact info, gender, DOB, date of hire, etc).  The details of the exposure itself (location, agent, cause, date, etc) would be the same.  If they are different, then the employer would have to register it as another separate exposure.
- Incorporate the ability to select language from this submission.
- Employer screens - have more information per screen than the worker so it's a quicker process. Incorporate this into submission 122692 so there are more data elements per screen for employer screens.

NOTES FOR 122674 to be incorporated to the 122692
- Incorporate the vertical secondary progress bar on the left from this submission into 122692 - it gives additional visual cue.
- Incorporate the one row layout for users to select their role when register an exposure from this submission into 122692.
- Incorporate the ability from this submission for Employer to open and close the various sections.

NOTES FOR 122701 to be incorporated to the 122692
- For the worker screens, there's always an area that displays information about the screen or help info. Please incorporate this into submission 122692

Important Notes:
- Feel free to explore all the winning submissions to expand the Story Elements: Layout/Flow/Clickpaths/Questions, etc.
- Keep things consistent. This means all graphic styles should work together.
- All of the graphics in the storyboard should have a similar feel and general aesthetic appearance. 

Detail :
1. Size, The page width must set to 1024px with content width must set to 960px, we want it to support less resolution monitor. 
2. Fonts, Please be consistent with the 122692 fonts for this contest. Please be aware of font delivery requirement.
3. Color, please follow the look and feel of submission 122692 for this update. 

- Tell us what you did! (in a text file or document, describe what sets your designs apart - you do not need to include every detail of what you changed, but make sure to highlight what you feel is most important about what you did) 

Target Audience: 
1. Worker Types (workers and someone else representing a worker)
2. Employer Types (employers and someone else representing an employer)
3. Wide variety of user backgrounds, and levels of computer literacy. 

Branding Guidelines :
There are no branding guidelines.  Please use a placeholder for the logo.

Judging criteria :
1. Overall, the client wants a) a clean, simple, light and impressive storyboard for employer types and b) a welcoming, easy-to-use, guided storyboard experience for worker types.
2. The client wants to see how you will combine the winning storyboards to meet the needs of worker and employer types. 
3. The completeness of your storyboard.
4. The quality of your design as well as following the provided guidelines. 

Submissions & Source Files

Preview Image
Create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPEG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submissions within it.

Submission File
- All requested Contest Requirements stated above in PNG files. 
- Document telling us important things you changed (described above), TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF files are acceptable. 

IMPORTANT - If you are submitting "small updates or changes" with multiple submissions please include in your notes file what is different or changed - this can be confusing to the client sometimes when they can't tell what is different. 

Source Files
All requested Contest Requirements stated above in PSD files.

Final Fixes 
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your storyboard. 

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and “Final Fixes” (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.


2012 TopCoder(R) Open

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • Layered PSD files created in Adobe Photoshop or similar

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit

5 submissions

ID: 30025996