Challenge Summary
Contest Summary
Welcome to the Hestia Competitive Review Powerpoint Template Creation Contest. The goal of this contest is to create the Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Template that will be used for future presentations based on the provided storyboard design. Your submission needs to match all the properties (font-size, background, layout etc). Read the contest details below.
Round 1
Your submitted presentation design slides for a review.
1). Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Template File (.pot format)
2). Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Presentation File (.ppt format).
Notes - Please tell us your thoughts around your design concept.
Round 2
Your final presentation design slides for a review.
1). Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Template File (.potx format)
2). Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Template File (.pot format)
3). Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation File (.pptx format)
4). Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Presentation File (.ppt format).
Notes - Any new screens or items introduced on Round 2
Contest Details
Hestia is looking to convert their newly designed "Competitive Review" presentation into a Powerpoint file. In this contest you need to convert the completed storyboard design into Microsoft Powerpoint template file.
Submissions Deliverables
For this contest you need submit these 4 files as submission:
1). Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Template File (.potx format). Inside this file only show the layout and all elements properties for each slides.
2). Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Template File (.pot format). Inside this file only show the layout and all elements properties for each slides.
3). Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation File (.pptx format). Inside this file you need to use your completed template file and fill slide based on storyboard design.
4). Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Presentation File (.ppt format). Inside this file you need to use your completed template file and fill all slides based on storyboard design.
Notes: Create documentation to let user easily do the content updates.
To help you create and customizing Microsoft PowerPoint template, please access these pages:
Reference #1
Reference #2
Presentation Template Requirements
Note: We want to use the slide design that has the metallic header
0). Title Slide
Slide Screenshot: 00 ~ Title Slide.png
- Background must covered all slide content area.
- "2012" and "Competitive" should be a seperate graphic from the background (so it can be updated later)
1). Sites Evaluated
Slide Screenshot: Variant-B ~ 01 ~ Sites Evaluated.png
- Header must have fixed placement on top side.
- Match slide title font properties
- Content divided into 3 columns, match the border between columns.
- How to create template for each site information in every columns?
- Make sure you put proper font typography that will looks good in slide.
2). Executive Summary
Slide Screenshot: Variant-B ~ 02 ~ Executive Summary.png
- Match slide title font properties
- Content consist numbers of rows, and divided into 2 column.
- Text inside every cell must fits within the background.
- Make sure you put proper font typography that will looks good in slide.
3). Major Findings
Slide Screenshot: Variant-B ~ 03 ~ Major Findings.png
- This slide divided into 3 column
- User should be able to switch out the images
- Match bullet list style
4). Summary of Findings
Slide Screenshot: Variant-B ~ 04 ~ Summary of Findings.png
- Match the slide title properties
- The content will be image based
5). Overall Observation
Slide Screenshot: Variant-B ~ 05 ~ Overall Observation.png
- Match the slide title properties
- Make sure bullet list in this slide consistent. See there's border on top & bottom.
- For "Then" and "Now" can be image based. What the image size?
Note: The client will be creating a lot of these slides - it should be easy to duplicate/update
6). Summary
Slide Screenshot: Variant-B ~ 06 ~ Summary.png
- Is there an easy way to turn the star on/off?
- Match the slide content
- Make sure you put proper font typography that will looks good in slide.
Note: The client will be creating a lot of these slides - it should be easy to duplicate/update
- The goal is to have an easy to edit Powerpoint file
- How well did you implement the provided design in Powerpoint
Target User
- Hestia Manager
- Hestia Business
Judging Criteria
- How well you design and plan out your presentation template - think about it!
- Precision of layout and Font Typography
- Cleanliness of your graphics and design
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Powerpoint files for the client to review. Be sure to embed the fonts and create a PPT file that is compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and above.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or above and saved as .potx, .pot, .pptx or .ppt file format.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your template to conform to the storyboard design.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.