Challenge Overview
The IBM IT Education Services (ITES) Presentation Layer (PL) application is a based web application which enables customers to identify and buy IBM training courses. IBM also works with other providers (“Partners”) who conduct trainings and classes.
The Partners provide information on the trainings and classes conducted by them using RSS feeds. For more information on RSS please refer to -
The scope of this contest is to design a Java based batch job application which will perform the following high-level actions:
1. Access the RSS feeds provided by IBM Partners
2. Parse the RSS information
3. Store the data in specified DB2 database tables.
The above program will be executed as a batch / cron job and as such does NOT require any user-interface.
Final Submission Guidelines
Required Submission deliverables :
* Use-Case Diagram
*Class Diagram
*Sequence Diagram
*Component Specification
QA Environment:
*DB2 8+
*JDK 1.5