Challenge Summary
Welcome to Styx - NGHSB Storyboard Contest. The client of this application would like to build a web site that is to provide an enhanced version of hotel check-in and management capabilities currently provided by an existing system.
Round 1
.1). Login.html
2). Registration.html
3). Forgot_Password.html
4). Home.html
5). Groups.html
6). Create_New_Group.html
7). Edit_Group.html
8). Encode_Cards.html
9). the page displayed when moving mouse to the "Reception Menu" icon.
10). Guest_Check-in.html
11). Guest_Copy.html
12). Single_Opening_Card.html
13). Room_Availability.html
Notes: Any comments about your solutions for the Client
Round 2
.1). Authorizations.html
2). Checkout_Rooms.html
3). Hotel_Information.html
4). Pheripheral_Openings.html
5). Read___Erase_Card.html
6). Room_Details.html
Notes: Any comments about your solutions for the Client
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.