Challenge Summary
Welcome to “TC Analytics - Tracking Marathon Matches Progress Wireframes” contest. Who didn’t know Topcoder nowadays? TopCoder is a company which offers various computer software-related services, by outsourcing its clients project to their community member base of developers and graphic designers from all over the world. Besides running computer software projects, Topcoder also run Marathon Matches where competitors write programs to solve complex algorithm problems. Unfortunately, the process to manage marathon matches right now done manually (mostly) by Topcoder employees. With clients and marathon match projects that grow so fast, Topcoder must reduce the manual process and make improvements so it can increase the scalability and the capacity of marathon match contest. In this contest, we need your help to create workflow for the new marathon match backend application, especially for tracking marathon match progress.
At the end of this contest, we’re expecting a clear workflow/simulation for marathon match backend to tracking and visualize marathon match contest progress. Also, We would like to see an intuitive, easy to use wireframes that can become input for the next development phase.
Round 1
Initial submission for clients review
Round 2
All contest requirements as stated in contest details with clients feedback applied
The current process to manage Marathon match contest is usually done by Topcoder employees manually. As the number of clients and contest grow for marathon match, this manual behaviour must be stopped to avoid client dissapointment. Topcoder already has various platform for clients to run software development projects like TC Direct (, and this can be leveraged in marathon matches too.
We already have initial wireframes to create marathon match project ( and launch marathon match contest ( In this contest, we need your ideas to provide workflow for tracking and visualize the marathon matches progress once the contest started. The current tracking use case can be found from our conceptualization documents sub section “4.4.12 Track contest”. However, this use case is too simple and can be optimized. Some example ideas that can be presented in your submission :
1. Tracking Marathon Matches Contest Progress :
a. Tracking Contest Stage and Status
b. Registrant information, including their ratings, their participation in previous marathon match contest, etc.
c. Contest Forum activity
d. Interim Submissions and their provisional scores/standings (contestant can submit initial solution and see their scores for that solution, fix the solution, submit again, see the scores and fix it again, this behaviour will be repeated until the contest ended. Show us some simulation to track this contestant behaviour).
e. TC Direct can provide a rough evaluation of the contest’ health and predicted output quality based on the number of registrants, their ratings, interim scores (if any), or other metrics.
2. Any Other Ideas for tracking marathon matches progress. More useful ideas will increase your submission scores.
Importants :
1. Visualization for tracking progress above is up to you, you can create it as graph, listing table, both of them, timeline or any other visualization that you think reliable and effective for tracking functionality. Be creative!!
2. We would like to keep the overall structure of the UI the same as it is for like currently in Cockpit (TC Direct). In other words, keep the navigation and tab layout for contest details, registrants, submissions, receipt, etc. The content within those tabs as well as the top section of the contest dashboard is what you MUST focus on making specific to marathon matches.
References :
- Visit to get better understanding about the definition of “marathon match”.
- Visit or to see how the marathon match contest competition running. Navigate those pages to get better understanding about any input/output needed for tracking purpose.
- Previous marathon matches wireframes ( and and screenshots of contest details in TC Direct (attached in download section).
Target Audience
There will be 3 user roles that using this application, they are :
1. Potential Client/Customer
2. Marathon Match Copilot
3. Project Manager
NOTE : you need to create workflow for each user. All user roles needs to be presented in your submissions. Refer to conceptualization documents for their access to the application.
Judging Criteria
Your submission will be judged using following criteria :
1. Completeness and accuracy of the wireframe as defined in the contest details
2. How well your submission presenting ideas for tracking and visualize marathon matches progress
3. How well you implement the required data and provides suggestion, interactions and the user flow.
Submission and Source Files:
Preview Image
Create a 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file and place a screenshot from your submission within it.
Submission File
All requested contest requirements/screens as clickable HTML files unless otherwise stated in the contest details.
Source Files
Wireframes should be built in HTML, Axure (.rp).
As part of the Final Fix phase, you may be asked to remove, update, or change some features of the wireframe.
Attachment :
- Conceptualization documents
- Launch marathon match wireframes
- Create Project Creation wireframes
- Contest Details Screenshot
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.