Challenge Summary
Welcome to Impact X website storyboard contest.
We need to create an interim website to announce the launch of the Impact X company and generate interest in the mission, start building a community of interested participants and to start collecting data on what world issues this community is concerned about.
At the end of this contest, the client is looking for a clean, elegant, and easy to use web storyboard to capture all the functionality from the document provided.
Round 1
Submission design for client review:
1. Main page
2. Get Involved page
3. Share Impact X page
4. About Us page
- Notes: Any comments about your design for the Client
- Please number your files in the order they should be viewed (01,02,03,04,etc)
Round 2
Submission design for client review:
- All the screens listed in the requirement and round 1 feedback included and implemented.
- Notes: Any comments about your design for the Client
- Please number your files in the order they should be viewed (01,02,03,04,etc)
Primary Goal:
For this contest you need to design a storyboard for Impact X company based on the documentation provided. In the website_flow.pdf you'll find all the required screens to be designed along with all the functionality we want to be applicated to the website. More details in the requirements below.
- Please read the launch_site_flow_4.doc and website_flow.pdf to help you to get a better picture and illustration of this application. You need to capture all the page flow from the web_site.pdf along with the functionality for each screen.
- Suggest us more better theme of the application! No restrictions colors.
- We don't have a logo for this application yet, so you may use a logo placeholder in your design.
- For text, please see the website_flow.pdf for details, you may use dummy text too for certain section.
- Design sharp icons or graphics as much as possible to make your design stand out than others. All the icons must have same design feeling!
- Please provide hover condition for buttons, links, or images you find in the document to help us better understand in reviewing the storyboard.
- Provide any notes about your design or each elements to help us better understand the storyboard.
- Please remember, the document we provided is not a fix layout or even the fix functionality. Suggest us your ideas to get the application built better. We are welcome to any ideas for functionality, popup, layout and theme or even screens for this website.
- Please read the launch_site_flow_4.doc, and suggest us with your ideas what should make the website better.
Required Pages:
1. Main Page (Meet Impact X),
see page1 and 2 in the website_flow.pdf
- There are 4 ability to Sign Up or Learn more, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and via email.
- Clicking the email button from the 4 links, will display email and zip code entry fields and submit button (see page2). Feel free to explore your ideas how to design this better. So, it's get a easy to use look and feel.
- You need to design a video frame placeholder on this page.
- This is only a mock-up so feel free to design a better layout or theme for this screen in your design.
- In the screen you'll see arrows, which by clicking on the top or bottom of each page will bring the user to the next or previous screen. We are open to any ideas how you'll design this better. Buttons, arrows, or anything you think best fo fit into your design.
2. Get Involved Page
see page 3-9 in the website_flow.pdf
- There will be 100 different issues showed in this page which divided into 10 categories.
- Hovering over an issue makes the points entry box appear.(see page3)
- On pages 3 & 4 of the flow pdf - on the set of issues that a user can choose from, when we first show them the points entry field, we'll display some explanatory text next to the entry field (e.g. "effort points"). Once the user enters a number into that field, we'll change the text next to it to reflect the amount of the user's interest in that issue, based on the number they entered (e.g. if they enter a 2, the text would change to "mildly interested", whereas, if they enter a 20, the text would change to "totally committed"). We'll provide the point value ranges and their corresponding text.
- When user clicks the "submit" button, and if they haven't yet given their credentials, a pop up will appear (see p- age5). Feel free to design what you think best about this function. We are open to any ideas.
- If user choose the email option from the pop up, email address and zip code entry field and submit button will appear.
- User will see this screen after submitted from Get Involved page.
- A large images of a dynamic infographic will be showed along with a toggle view options "World", "My Region", "My Friends", "My Age Groups"(See section 3 in the launch_site_flow_4.doc for details).
- An ability to enter an issues which aren't on the list will be showed along with the ability to chose what category the issue is.
3. Share Impact X Page
see page 10-12 in the website_flow.pdf
- The share function from the social media has to be prominent on this page. Feel free to design this better. You can find the details in the pdf. But we recommend you to research how to design this functionality better, and also to make your storyboards stand out from others.
- On pages 10,11 & 12 of the flow pdf - we'll want to provide the user the ability to post to their social networks or send an email to their friends about Impact X. We'll display suggested text that the user can edit, if they prefer.
4. About Us Page
see page 13 in the website_flow.pdf
Branding Guidelines:
Size: The page width must set to 1024px with content width must set to 960px, we want it to support less resolution monitor.
Fonts: Fonts are open to the designer, But we encourage you to choose and use web safe font. Please be aware of font delivery requirement.
Color: you are free to use any color as basic for your color schemes. We're not strict about color schemes, but please limit your color schemes, limit it to 3 main colors and 3 secondary colors. Feel free to use your creativity here.
Target Audience:
- Press announcement readers
- Followers of companies with complementary missions
- Celebritiy endorsers’ tweet followers
- Followers of the Clinton Global Initiative
Judging Criteria:
- The completeness of your storyboard
- User experience of the storyboard
- The quality of your design as well as following the provided guidelines.
- How well you follow the document and the flow or provides new idea about how the screen must looks.
Submissions & Source Files
Preview Image
Create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPEG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submissions within it.
Submission File
All requested Contest Requirements stated above in PNG files.
IMPORTANT - If you are submitting "small updates or changes" with multiple submissions please include in your notes file what is different or changed - this can be confusing to the client sometimes when they can't tell what is different.
Source Files
All requested Contest Requirements stated above in PSD files.
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your storyboard.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.