Hercules Niviane - Operational Statistics IO and Data Model

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Hercules wishes to build a system to serve data queries. The system will be designed to handle heavy load of requests that are mostly read not write.

The system will load information about entities (represented in JSON format, so the structure is very flexible), store that in DB and then allow user to retrieve attributes of those entities. Also, the system will provide operational statistics to the user.

This component will provide the specification for the Operational Statistics. The Operational Statistics Module implements statistics auditing and reporting functionalities. It will allow user to track data ingestion and client service operational statistics.

This Component will provide the data models as well as the contracts for readers and writers for operational statistics with their file based implementations. This means that all the interfaces and entities in the following packages will be in scope: com.hercules.niviane.statistics.entities, com.hercules.niviane.statistics.writers, and com.hercules.niviane.statistics.readers.

The services will be provided as POJOs. The task here is to provide a contract and implementation design for the specified interfaces.

Final Submission Guidelines



2013 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30030354