Media Conversion Engine Backend Services 1

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Challenge Overview

The client of this application is a company that needs to encode/transcode many media files to the desired formats.  The media files to be converted can be video content (like .mov, .avi files etc), still content (like JPEG, TIFF, GIF files etc) or audio content (mpeg 3, .au, FLAC files etc).  The output of the converted files should be the same content as the input files. For instance, the video file should be converted a video file (like from .mov to .avi), but not a still content. 

The content owner of the client’s company will provide the media files (video content, still content, audio etc) to the system for encoding/transcoding.

The processed media files will be retrieved by the Media Traffic Associate users who can handle the media files. For example, the media traffic associate users can transform the media files to external systems.

Previously, the client does not have a custom tool for media file encoding/transcoding, and thus the client has to use the commercial tools for this business purpose.  Usually, the commercial tools are used for standard codecs ONLY.

The main goal of the project is to define a modern, flexible, and extensible Java-based web application for media encoding and transcoding. This media conversion engine will provide the interface to the plug-in codecs that could be flexible enough to support more codecs if needed.

Final Submission Guidelines



2013 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30030440