Ramp Up Cognos within TC

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

TopCoder is seeing a lot of interest from our clients in Business Intelligence (BI) work, with many requests being around Cognos in particular as the BI technology to use. In this project you will figure out from a practical standpoint how Cognos work will be done in a TopCoder's crowdsourced model, and then you will either do or manage the necessary steps to get us ready. This will include:

  • Setting up Cognos on a VM
  • Figuring out the best way to give members the ability to work on Cognos
  • Determining how to modify existing contest types or create new contest types around Cognos work - deliverables, scorecards, etc.
  • Running the first series of Cognos contests to test out everything out and to familiarize the community with Cognos

This is a great opportunity to help create a huge new line of work for the TopCoder community. 

In your submission be sure to discuss specifically how you intend to solve each of the above bullets. What tasks are needed for each? How will you iterate on and refine the process you create? 

Note submission time is 48 hours.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30030710