Challenge Summary
Welcome to the TopCoder Studio New Member Landing Page Contest. The goal of this contest is to design a single screen that will become the TopCoder Studio New Member Landing Page. We are looking for a new landing page to draw in new members to TopCoder Studio and encourage them to register.
Note: FAST Milestone! Send your submissions soon.
Round 1
- Initial design concepts for the TopCoder Studio New Member Landing Page.
Note - provide any comments to explain your design
Round 2
- Your final design with Milestone feedback implemented.
Note - provide any notes to explain your design
Design problem:
- Studio is a complex site with a lot of information spread out over the pages. We need a simple, single screen landing page for any potential new member to "land" on when visiting Studio from an outside source. This landing page should help a visitor understand who should sign up and what the benefits of becoming a member are. In short, it should entice potential members to either learn more about Studio or register to become a member.
Design goal:
The landing page is targeting recruiting new members to TopCoder Studio. This will be the page that potential new members will see after they have clicked on a link from an outside advertisement. The goal of the landing page is to provide information about "What is Studio?" and get them to:
1. Register via simple registration
2. Visit the Studio homepage where they can learn more:
The page will also highlight the perks of competing in the TopCoder Studio platform, information about bonus programs, tournaments, and big-name TopCoder and TopCoder Studio clients.
Design Guidelines:
- The page needs to have a clean/cutting-edge/attractive look.
- It needs to make the new visitor want to stay on the page and -most importantly - click on one of the options that either takes them to registration or to the home page.
- The landing page will be implemented into a WordPress page and needs to be the standard 1024x768.
- Keep the design "above the fold" - the visitor should not have to scroll to see all of the information.
- DO NOT edit the client logos. You may resize them as long as you maintain the correct aspect ratio.
Use the text and elements found in the reference file: Landing Page Text.doc in your design.
Remember: think like a user and make it appeal to designers!
- Upon arriving to the landing page from an outside advertisement, the headline they see needs to "hook them in" and make them want to stay on the page and explore.
- The headline should highlight options/questions that would want to make the visitor see what Studio had to offer in the design, technology, and crowdsourcing environment.
- The headline should feature skills that would match the user's areas of expertise or interest
- The landing page needs to provide more information about "What is Studio?"
- What are the perks of Studio?
- How can the text on the page get them excited about Studio?
- How does the imagery on the page support the text to make the perks of Studio appear fun and exciting to designers worldwide
- Call-to-Action: needs to appear on the page to get the visitor to want to click through and register to be a member and compete
- Testimonials: What are current members saying about Studio? How can these appear on the landing page to help get the new visitor excited about the benefits of Studio?
Design considerations to be incorporated:
1. Page layout
- How should the page be designed (how does the content found in the Landing Page Text.doc file appear on the page?)
- Needs to appeal to designers
- Think like a user
- Studio logo does not ned to be prominent
2. Color scheme
- Has to be branded in Studio colors with the logo (logo does not need to be prominent)
- Incorporating other colors that compliment the Studio brand is ok
3. Page features
- Space to feature logos of certain big-named Studio clients (please reference the downloads for client logos to incorporate into your concept)
- Tournament section (shows tournament information and tournament photos) (please reference the two jpg images for tournament photos to incorporate into your
- Contest listings (please reference the image file for Studio cup prize area incorporate into your concept)
- Member of the Month
- "Button/link to register"
- "Button/link to visit Studio homepage"
- NOTE: You DO NOT have to use all of the provided images/screenshots - only use the ones that will compliment your design!
Branding Guidelines
- Has to be branded in Studio colors
- Logo has to be visible somewhere on the page
- Incorporating other colors that compliment the Studio brand is ok
Target Audience
- Designers (worldwide)
- Visitors who click through from social media source ads or other forms of Studio advertisement
- Potential new Studio competitors
- Current Studio competitors who tell a friend about Studio
Judging Criteria
- How well you create a concept for the TopCoder Studio New Member Landing Page design - think about user experience
- Have fun!
- Think of a new and exciting approach!
- Cleanliness of your graphic design
- A design that is easy to incorporate into the TopCoder Studio WordPress site
- Easy to use / update by an internal user
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.