Challenge Summary
Welcome to this fun and challenging CSFV special contest. We need your creative skills to come out with a solution for a carousel-like display and a games page design following some user experience guidelines. You’ll design two screens in total, we have short time but it’s a short task too, so jump in now!!
Round 1
For your R1 deliverables please submit the following screens:
1) Carousel display
2) Games showcase
Feel free to add some notes (jpg or text file) to comment your design features for the client.
Number your screens (01, 02, 03 etc.) – it’s easier to review.
Round 2
Final design will contain all the requested screens plus any updates from client feedback.
Feel free to add some notes (jpg or text file) to comment your design features for the client.
Number your screens (01, 02, 03 etc.) – it’s easier to review.
The primary goal of this contest is to design the layout and interaction flow for games presentation in the CSFV Gaming Community Site. Just like that, you need to show with graphics how a carousel behaves/look and how a set of games page will show the elements. Are you ready for the challenge? You need to provide the same level of exposure (visual importance) to the games.
You’re provided with the website wireframes but you won’t design a website, you’ll work only with the home page carousel display and the games page. See more details below.
Branding and Guidelines
- Your design must fit 1024 pixels wide screen resolution.
- Colors are open to designers. Remember we’re not looking for a stunning graphic design though. Any color that explains your idea will do.
- Stick with web-safe fonts. We won’t judge any look, just the layout and components behavior.
- Think of web 2.0 when you’re creating your solution. We want to appeal to teens, and the general population. We like clean designs, simple BUT dramatic.
Design Requirements
1) Carousel display
- First, a carousel is a popular way to display elements in some defined space, also known as web slider. It usually rotates these elements with some user interaction or automatically through the screen. Refer to iTunes Cover Flow, Washington Post Games or to this useful article as inspiration only, DON’T COPY ANYTHING.
- See “Home” from wireframes. There are highlighted games at the top; this is the current carousel we want to replace with your solution. You don’t need to design the whole page, you need to design the carousel look and flow ONLY.
- Every game in the carousel has a splash screen with logo, game title, short description and play button, just like they are shown in the wireframes. Use istockphoto comps to represent the games splash screens. We’d like to have this visual aid.
- We have 5 games to showcase right now. However your solution must provide room for upcoming games, we could have 20 more games.
- Important! We need to provide the same visual importance to the games, make this feel like all of the games have the same level of exposure (at least to five of them).
- You can highlight one game at a time, BUT at least 5 games have to be instantly shown at the same time somehow (be creative!), and can be directly clicked on at any time.
- Explain how your carousel solution works; explain what features make your solution unique and interesting.
2) Games showcase
- See “Posted Games” page from wireframes. There is a list of games we need to replace with a fun and intuitive solution that allows showcasing most of the games at the same exposure level. You can design a grid, combined list with slider/carousel, anything, just take care of the organization so the all the games can be seen at a glance.
- Same display requirements apply here, we have 5 we want to provide the same exposure at least, BUT your solution should be able to easily add upcoming games (20+).
- You won’t design the whole page. Use empty placeholders for header and footer.
Target Audience
Casual gamers, everyone who likes games from children to adult persons.
Judging Criteria
- Creativity.
- Capability of exposing multiple games at the same level.
- How intuitive is your solution?
- User Experience.
Submission File
All requested contest requirements/screens as JPG or PNG files at 72dpi.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop and saved as layered PSD files.
Preview Image
Create a 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode and place a screenshot from your submission within it.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.