TC - TopCoder Software Competition Spec Templates Copilot Opportunity

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

When contests are currently posted on TopCoder, many of the requirements are documented in wiki pages that are linked to the contest.   We would like to move away from the use of the wiki as the default place for contest specs.  Instead, we would like to capture the spec contents within Cockpit and then present them on the competition pages to competitors.  Cockpit currently has functionality that allows users to create and format the contest specs (see the "Insert Predefined Template Content" icon in the built-in text editor toolbar when setting up a contest in Cockpit).  We also have the ability to load in pre-built spec templates that the user can select from.  Once selected, it pre-populates the competition descriptions.

In this project, we would like to do 3 things:

1. Update the templates for each contest type (focusing on software contests).  Many of them are old and can be defined in a more useful way.

2. Load the new template content into Cockpit's configuration.3

3. Determine any enhancements that should be made to Cockpit to make the act of writing and formatting a contest spec a good user experience.



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30031245