Challenge Summary
Welcome to Journal Facility Wireframes Contest. We need you to create HTML wireframes for a web application to be implemented following the IBM design patterns and standards.
Round 1
For your R1 deliverables please submit following wireframes for client review:
- FYIer Functionality (4.4.4, 4.4.5)
- Apex User Functionality (4.4.6 – 4.4.13)
- Non-CHQ Approver Functionality (4.4.14 – 4.4.17)
- Omnipotent User Functionality (4.4.21 – 4.4.31)
Round 2
Final wireframes will contain all of the functionalities plus any updates from client feedback.
The primary goal of this contest is to create HTML wireframes for a web application. There is an existing desktop application that provides an approval and tracking process for submitted journal requests. We’re creating a web version of this tool. Users will need this tool to submit journals, a request to adjust existing data or to create a new entry of data into a financial planning system.
For your information, the existing Journal Facility application is Notes based. The goal for this project is to create a new, web-based application to replace the existing one.
Conceptualization document is attached for guidance on the tasks requirement details.
General Requirements
- FOLLOW IBM WEB STANDARDS for your pages (header/footer, layout templates, etc).
- Produce HTML clickthrough wireframes that can be used to demonstrate all mentioned functionalities as required in each round.
- The design should be simple, user-friendly and easy to understand. Avoid over populating spaces with too many form elements.
- Develop as many pages/elements you need to complete all the requirements.
Wireframes Requirements
1) Login (4.4.1)
2) Logout (4.4.2)
3) Help (4.4.3)
4) FYIer Functionality (4.4.4, 4.4.5)
5) Apex User Functionality (4.4.6 – 4.4.13)
4) Non-CHQ Approver Functionality (4.4.14 – 4.4.17)
5) CHQ Approver Functionality (4.4.18 – 4.4.20)
6) Omnipotent User Functionality (4.4.21 – 4.4.31)
7) Admin User Functionality (4.4.32, 4.4.33)
About IBM web standards
- IBM provides these standard guidelines for web purposes. You can access this documentation here:
- CCA (Competition Confidentiality Agreement) is required. If you don’t have a signed CCA on file you need to follow these instructions and then request for the access:
- If you have a signed CCA on file already, send the access request to:,
- Pay special attention to “Page elements” in the documentation. Those are the ones you should have acknowledge of (page layout samples, forms, tabs, data format, etc). You’re encouraged to explore the documentation.
Target Audience
The main users of this tool would be financial planners and executives.
Judging Criteria
- Follow the IBM W3 web design patterns and standards.
- User experience.
- Completeness and accuracy of the wireframes as defined in the attached requirements.
Submission File
All requested contest requirements/screens as clickable HTML files unless otherwise stated in the contest details.
Source Files
Wireframes should be built in Axure. The resulting files should have generated HTML files. Also, all the content must be listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow.
Preview Image
Create a 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode and place a screenshot from your submission within it.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.