Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The iBAT Global is an inventory optimization tool. The iBAT Global Release G1.3 effort is to incorporate Mexico CDC, Brazil CDC along with all the iBAT classic countries into the POK production environment. IBM Buy Analysis Tool Global utilizes smart analytics services to provide sales forecasts and buy/sell recommendations to help IBM Channel Teams, Business Partners and stakeholders to optimize their sales and inventory.
This tool can be accessed using a web based dashboard, where the users can view the up-to-date information of sales, inventory status, product sales analysis, the buy/sell recommendations and other metrics for various IBM products.

The scope of this contest is to create a prototype based on the information given below.  The pages are defined in Common_Reporting_Protoype_v5.xls file.

IBM W3 Designs and Standards

The pages should follow IBM W3 Designs and Standards (The new style used in or an offline copy can be found at here.

It should render properly in different browsers. Following is a list of browsers to support

  • IE 7+
  • FireFox
  • Safari
  • Chrome


  1. iBAT Mexico Prototype.rar – This file contains the prototype for Mexico. Keeping this prototype as base we can create prototype for Common reporting.
  2. Common_Reporting_Protoype_v5.xls - This excel file contains the idea of how the common reporting pages will look. Note that the pages should be designed as per v17 standards only.
  3. Prototype for Common Reporting Specification.doc - detail specification come by for Common_Reporting_Protoype_v5.xls

Final Submission Guidelines

Winner will be responsible for fixing page issues from client.


2013 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30031857