Module Assembly - Hercules Receiver Proof of Concept Assembly 1

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The Hercules Transport is a proprietary platform independent protocol for distributed applications. Hercules Transport is designed to run highly visual applications on a wide variety of devices with various hardware capabilities both efficiently and consistently. 
The client has a complete server for the Hercules Transport and a Flash receiver that renders what is configured on the server. TopCoder will be developing some sample applications and documentation for the server and how applications can be developed and distributed by third parties. 
This assembly will develop some documentation for future architecture and specification contests, including how to integrate a new application into the server, how to deploy the server and new application, and how to use the GUI controls available. 

  It's important to start early on this contest. The requirements are fairly simple, but will require a lot of investigation of the current codebase. There will be quite a few contests in this project, so the work you put into understanding the code now should pay off in future contests, as well as this one

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see the wiki -


2013 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30032149