TopCoder Contest Summaries Infographic Bug Hunt

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In this contest you'll need to go through all the TopCoder Contest Summary infographic pages (as well as the original excel file with contest summaries) to identify any errors, mismatching information, or spelling / grammar issues.  We need you to review the contest infographics (there are 36 screens total) and the original contest summaries excel spreadsheet for any errors or mismatching information.

The following items will be considered bugs and should be reported:
1) Errors / Incorrect information about TopCoder contests
2) Spelling or Grammar issues in the infographics
3) Spelling or Grammar issues in the excel spreadsheet
4) Content in the contest infographic that does NOT match the corresponding values in the excel spreadsheet


NOTE:  Please DO NOT report any issues with punctuation for infographic bullet points.  These are NOT supposed to end with a period, so please DO NOT report these as issues.


Bug Hunt Rules:

- Please report the bugs as you find them to this JIRA Project:
- Any issue that affects a common element across all inforgraphic screens will only count as 1 bug (and you should ONLY report it once).
- Non-winning competitors will be paid $3 for each unique bug they submit first and is accepted.
- Issues must include clear descriptions, and expected vs. actual results in order to be counted.
- The first competitor to find an issue gets credit, duplicates will not be counted.
- Reviewers will accept, reject or mark the issues as duplicate.
- Please DO take a look at the reported bugs, duplicated bugs cost both you and the reviewer's time.  Keeping an eye on the issues being submitted by other members will minimize the time you may be spending on duplicate efforts. This will also help you find any undiscovered issues.


Reporting Format:

For each report of a bug, we need the following information:

1) Screen # (or Row / Column # for the excel spreadsheet) where the bug was found
2) Screenshots (if applicable or bug is difficult to explain)
3) Expected results after the bug is fixed
4) Current results, before the bug is fixed


Submission Deliverables:

1) You need report your issues in JIRA. 
2) For the final submission, please also submit in OR a text file that contains the bugs you reported. The payment will be handled by OR.

Final Submission Guidelines

There is no software that needs to be setup for this bug hunt.  The infographic screens are image files that you can view, as well as the contest sunmaries excel file (which can be viewed in MS Excel or Open Office).

Please report the bugs to this JIRA Project:


Submission Deliverables:

1) You need report your issues in JIRA. 
2) For the final submission, please also submit in OR a text file that contains the bugs you reported. The payment will be handled by OR.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30032264