Challenge Summary
Welcome to “TC Presentation – 2 slides for Mini Deck Presentation Contest”. The goal of this contest is to creates 2 clean and rich graphic slides presentation for TopCoder presentation that will be held on mid February 2013. At the end of this contest, we’re expecting powerpoint presentation that showing the content through visual communication to the audiences using appropriate and enticing graphics.
Round 1
All contest requirements as stated in contest details
Round 2
All contest requirements as stated in contest details with client feedback applied
For this contest, we need your help to create the look and feel and designing appropriate graphics for several slides in our powerpoint presentation so audiences can understand the slides material instantly be seeing the graphics. It is important for us to make the presentation content immediately catch the eye of the audience by combining some visuals content and standards content to make a great presentation deck.
We already finished almost all the slides deck, however, there are two more slides needs to be create and we want it to be created by you, our creative designer. Those slides content can be found below:
1. Slide One
- Title : NTL: Open Innovation On-Demand for NASA.
- This slide should be similar with the Comcast slide (see references comcast_slide.png). The Difference is, the comcast slide describes one big project, while the slide we need is for NTL needs to visualize showcase a few different projects NASA has successfully run on the NTL platform which is powered by TopCoder.
- For more information about NTL, please refer to this link
- This slide should show (visually) the projects TopCoder have done for NASA such as :
a. The ISS Longeron Challenge (these stats are impressive) – over 4,000 registrants, more than 450+ submissions, avg. person submitted 4.38x – you can find the info on this dedicated ISS mini-site and specifically this page on the mini-site
b. We are now creating an iPad app for NASA this page has all the detail here -
c. We have already created an algorithm to help with pipeline protection - Created a detection algorithm to spot the presence of wheeled vehicles in proximity to a pipeline with the ability to distinguish between a security threat - an un-authorized vehicle - and a non-threat such as wild-life or a downed tree limb. (see references wheel.png)
d. We have previously created an ECG mobile app on android - Built an open-sourced, Bluetooth enabled, Android based, 12 Lead ECG application that can be utilized on the International Space Station as well as in various 3rd world environments. (see references ecg_app.png)
e. At last, we need one clean presentation page that takes all these projects and shows what we have done in algorithms, mobile innovation, data and more.
2. Slide Two
- Title : Massively Parallel Production of Innovative Assets
- This is an animated slide that starts out with one person, then expands to show one person reaching 4 TC copilots (at one time), then the 4 copilots running several (2 to 3) “contests” each (we can show icons to represent the type of contest being run, see references expand1.jpg and expand2.jpg)
- Then final animation creative assets “flowing” back to the character with completed “projects” stacking up neatly beside him/her or an animation showcasing the person’s productivity going up fast!
- In this slide we want to take this concept (of one person affecting many, many more people) and mash it up with this other concept:
a. it would start with one person (it can be a female, male, any race –doesn’t matter) but we would like them wearing a “Ford” branded shirt (Ford logo attached) – ALSO, we need the “Ford” shirt to be editable so next time we can easily change the logo. However, if t-shirt design too hard to be done, you can show the Ford logo appear next to the character, that is OK as well.
b. the “Ford” character would be “connected” to 4 different looking TopCoder copilots (make it obvious to the viewer these are TC copilots) – the copilots should represent different disciplines/abilities such as “Design”, “Algorithms” “UI/UX” “Software”.
c. Then the 4 copilots show lines or branches off of themselves representing that they are running contests in various categories such as the “Design” copilot is running a concept, wireframe, and storyboard contest. The UI/UX person is running 2 prototype contests, the Algo person is running an efficiency, and speed algorithm challenges, the Software person is running an architecture, testing, and assembly contest – EACH of the “contests” should be represented by the already created colorful icons we see above (check expand2.jpg for the icons, No need to recreate icons that are already good!)
d. Then as described above, as a final animation, the assets need to flow back to the user (the Ford character) and the viewer gets the feeling that this person is getting an incredible amount of work and innovation done! Make sure your design for " work" created as icon and it is clearly show mobile/tablet, one is clearly analytics, and one is clearly design, so whatever you have to visualize the “work” done very nicely.
Slide and Design requirements
- Colors – It must following TopCoder colors, but use color variation to enhanced and maximized the slide appearances.
- Fonts - up to the designer to pick as long as the font is clear and easy to read. ANY fonts used in your design must be listed in your note/declaration file.
- References, We attached Icons design from our previous contest, feel free to use it in your design.
- All Graphic Design needs to be easily used in a powerpoint slides (easy editable, resize, etc).
Target Audience :
- Potential Customers
- Current Topcoder Customers
Judging Criteria :
- How well you illustrate and explain the information in your slides.
- Cleanliness of your graphics and design.
Submission and Source Files :
Preview JPG/PNG Image File
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
All requested contest requirements/screens as PPT (Powerpoint Files).
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design (All graphic sources and Powerpoint files).
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your powerpoint content or graphics (sizes or colors) or modify overall colors. If Milestone updates are not completed you may be asked to update them during Final Fixes.
Attachment :
1. Topcoder Logo.
2. Current Presentation.
3. References Images.
4. Icon Documentation.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.