TC - Cockpit Status Reports Copilot Opportunity

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We would like to add a new set of features to TopCoder's Cockpit application that helps users create status reports for customers.  Please see the attached mockup for a rough example of what we are thinking.  In its simplest form, the new functionality will let a manager enter some free-form text and save it.  The manager will do this periodically (weekly), so we need to create a history of status reports.  We would also like to add some intelligence to the status reports.  For example, the report will automatically pull in several metrics about each project and snapshot them onto the report. For example, include the active projects with their current cost, projected cost, budget, etc.

This is a project that we want to start small with and evolve it over time.  Please ask as many questions as you need to in the forum.



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30032864