Release Assembly - Round Type Option Support For SRM Problem

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

TopCoder is in an effort to upgrade the language versions used by TopCoder Competition Engine, which is used for Single Round Matches (SRMs) and Marathon Matches (MMs).

Since the upgraded language versions is still in evaluation state, so there will be two type of processors (compilers and testers) present for the same time.

The Current TopCoder Competition Engine, the various properties of a processor, determine whether it can do the corresponding compiling/testing task, like compiling Java solution, testing C# solution, used for the Marathon Match contest etc (very complex). For Marathon Match Contest, since the problem for Marathon Match contest, can specify the round type, we can define two set of marathon match processors to be used exclusively based on the round type for problem. But for SRM, we can not use the similar logic now.

The purpose of this contest is to update relative parts similar as what we have done for Marathon Match, to make it possible to have two set of processors used different for SRM contests.

see detail requirements in wiki

Final Submission Guidelines

see detail requirements in wiki


2013 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30033326