Challenge Overview
Project Overview
We are replacing a current end-user computing solution that is being managed in spreadsheets. Their current process consists of a data dump of some 26,000 insurance policies that exist in a worksheet they refer to as their “Master List.” A subset of these policies are identified to be “Monitored,” (several hundred). The “Monitor List” is created in a separate worksheet as a copy of selected policies from the “Master List.” From this “Monitor List” a subset of a few dozen polices are identified to be “Considered” for consolidation. The considered policies are copied to the “Consider for Consolidation” or CFC list. Once there they are reviewed and either marked to be consolidated or not. This entire process is repeated on a quarterly basis.
Competition Task Overview
The purpose of this contest is to produce a system architecture for the described application.
NOTE: asking questions early is important to the success of this contest!!!
Detailed Requirements
Please go through the provided documents and wireframes carefully and make sure all requirements are covered.
Please note that the conceptuaization is being updated but the documents provided should given you enough info about the changes to be made and thus it should be clear which requriements need to be covered.
Open Source Library
If you want to use any open source library, please get approval in contest forum.
TC Components
No TC components are allowed.
Technology Overview
- SOA (service oriented architecture)
- CSS 3
- HTML 5
- JavaScript
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 4(model view controller)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5,
- Kendo UI Q1 2013 (Optional-based on recommendation from architecture phase)
- Domain model based access to database entities.
Documentation Provided
- Wireframes
- Conceptualization
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Deliverables
Make sure you include an ERD and a requirement mapping file in addition to the ones mentioned in the page.
Submission Guidelines
For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.