Challenge Overview
Project Overview
System Description
The client of this application is CPI (Center for Program Integrity) which is a part of CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). CPI wants to ensure transparency of payment giving from manufacturers to healthcare providers. This project will help to ensure that the rules for payment giving are followed and that there is a record keeping regarding the payments that have been given.
The purpose of this project is to create an iOS application and a report host web application that will make it easier for users to comply with the new transparency law. The iOS application will be used by payers (the manufacturer and its field agents) to record information about their payments and other transfers of value to payment recipients (physicians, teaching hospitals, and other healthcare providers).
The report host application will be used to manage the data about the payments that the field agents have given. Each manufacturer will have to install its own report host application that will receive information about the payments that the field agents have given. The report host lets users carry out the following functions:
- view, sort, and filter records
- edit records to complete or correct them
- send updated records to field agents and payment recipients
- export records to a spreadsheet.
This assembly is responsible for frontend MVC controllers, interceptors, exception handlers as well as the JSP pages and frontend JavaScript functions for core and administrator functionalities.
Competition Task Overview
A complete list of deliverables can be found in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at:
Note: Please read the whole Application Design Specification first. All the details not mentioned in this specification are provided in that document.
This assembly is responsible for the following:
- All classes shown on "Interceptors & Exception Resolver Class Diagram"
- The following classes shown on "Frontend Controllers Class Diagram"
- BaseController
- LoginController
- LogoutController
- UserProfileController
- ForgotPasswordController
- LookupValuesController
- AuditRecordController
- LogRecordController
- UserAdminController
- Relevant JSP pages for the controllers implemented in this assembly.
Implementation details for Spring MVC Controllers, interceptor, exception resolvers are provided at TCUML method documentations.
Spring MVC Controllers, Interceptors, Exception Resolvers
Implementation details for Spring MVC Controllers, interceptor, exception resolvers are provided at TCUML method documentations.
JSP Pages & AJAX
You will find the JSP pages details in the Assembly Specification.
You need to provide functional unit tests.
Technology Overview
- Any OS that supports Java 6
- Java 6
- Java EE 6
- JavaScript
- Tomcat 7.0.42
- MySQL 5.6
- Spring Framework 3.2.3
- Hibernate 4.2.3
- Log4j 1.2.17
- jQuery 1.10.2
- JavaMail 1.5
- Apache Velocity Engine 1.7
- Jackson 2.2.2
- Jasypt 1.9.0
- OpenCSV 2.3
- Quartz Scheduler 2.2
Note: This technology stack is for the whole Data Host application and is not specific to this assembly. So don't get scared when you see all these technologies not all of them are used in this contest.
Documentation Provided
Documentation and Applications that will be provided to registered members:
- Class Diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Application Design Specification
- Assembly Specification
- JPA O/R Mapping File
- Sample Email Template Files
- Sample Exported CSV File
- Backend Code
- Project Wiki:
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Deliverables
A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at:
- Source code and configuration files.
- Deployment guide to configure and verify the application.
Final Submission
For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.