CPQ Solution and Output Builder Bug Hunt

Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview

The CPQ application has been developed to provide sales users at a outdoor advertising media company the ability to create advertising campaigns plans and generate dynamic proposals for their customers. The solution has been built on the Salesforce platform leveraging multiple integrations to obtain availability data, OOH ratings and inventory maps as well as leverages Heroku to create the proposal outputs - which is referred to as the "Output Builder".

Please see this document for an overview and how to use the application.

Contest Objective

This project is developed by client and complete all features.

This contest should verify the project on a remote instance.

You can submit the bugs, enhancements and any other suggestions to JIRA Project.

Note: The remote instance url and login credentials won't be provided until registration phase closed. I will send the information to all registrants at same time after registration phase ended.

Bug Report

Please submit your suggestions to https://apps.topcoder.com/bugs/browse/APPIRIO

Important: you must choose "Output Builder" in the "Components" section.

Provided Resources


Final Submission Guidelines


Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30035979