Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

��1. ��When you drag a file into the dropzone button jquery throws and error and the file is not uploaded. ��
�� Chrome: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Firefox: Error too much recursion��
��Please squash this bug.

2. Next you will need to make sure the send method is working. �� There may be some references in the image loader that is looking for /v2/files when the actual endpoint is /images

3. ��You can���t add more images by clicking the add button if there are already image previews in the drop zone

4. Please confirm the uploads work with single or multiple images on modern browsers.

5. ��There are no doubt a few more please resolve anything you can find and denote it in your submission.

6. ��The post registration info will include the s3 keys for this challenge. �� Please confirm your files have been successfully loaded to the mesh api bucket.

7. ��Deploy your solution to Heroku and provide the link.

Installation notes.

1. The link in the post registration section is to the zipped source so you should not need to run npm, bower or grunt but if you would like to start fresh please follow the instructions in the file ��

2 Please make sure you are using node 0.10.0


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30037035