Wear test: Elasticsearch II

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

1. �� Choose one or both of the indices and describe why you select that index, or provide an alternative index.
2. �� Provide the curl syntax that will return the top x results for each of the criteria.
�� �� �� Your match score should have a distinct demarcation that shows the wear tester that match all the criteria and those who don't��
�� �� �� �� �� For example c2 will return no results if all the criteria is a must criteria however we still need to find the best matches.
3. ��Use boost fields where they make the most sense. �� For example the gender is a good canidate for a boost.��
4. ��Provide a detailed document that describes the useage of submission
5. ��Proviade any addtional functionality of ES which we may have not implmented in the above indices.

�� - you may use my ES server or your own. �� ��If you use your own please provide the access instructions in your documentation.


Final Review:

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ID: 30037352