Smartsheet Integration with Wufoo Online Forms, part 3

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Please review the��standard Smartsheet guidelines. ��Valid submissions must consist of high quality, production-ready Java code. ��Make sure to read the judging criteria under the "Submission Details" section.

Fork this github repos��(email CC:����for access, after registering)��
A zip file is also attached for convenience.

  1. Require each user to specify exactly one Wufoo domain and API��key to be used for their smartsheet integration
  2. Allow a user to change their domain/key��(may warrant detaching all existing forms prior to changing)
  3. More than one user may create a mapping from the same Wufoo form. ��In this case, form submission data should be migrated to multiple smartsheets.
  4. Unrelated feature:��Update the UI to provide hyperlinks directly to the associated wufoo forms and smartsheets (for convenience)


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30037602