Challenge Overview
You can start your coding from this base��github repo
A few guidelines:
A few guidelines:
- We want this to be cool but still honor and adhere to the brands that our partners have worked so hard to create.
- We want this to be a place you come back to regular if you are interested in this Spokes technology and finding opportunities to compete, learn, discuss, enhance or implement.��
- Have some fun and remember, you are the customer/user of this page.
- If you want to use a paid for theme, please post to the discussion post.
- Here is��a document��containing some color and logo guidelines
- Here are some��logo images (.zip)��you may use
The content we want on this Spoke should include the following:
- General blog just for this Spoke: a place for announcements and Brivo Labs to talk with the community.
- A section to say who Brivo Labs is (grab from website for some temporary content).
- An RSS��feed of the active��Brivo Labs challenges.����
- An��RSS��feed��of the��past Brivo Labs challenges. ��
- A feed of the Brivo Twitter handle:��@brivolabs
- The standard links to linked in (placeholder for now), facebook and twitter page