Challenge Overview
- Use the public cloudspokes API
- Use a user-generated access token from Smartsheet (get your own free dev account)
- Assume a challenge ID is manually entered in to a specific��column in the smartsheet
- Entering a challenge ID (e.g. 2900) in to a specific column in the smartsheet will initiate the sync of cloudspokes data into the other columns of that row
- Row updates can be triggered��manually by an��update of the smartsheet row (forcing the zap to run)
- Row updates can be triggered by a��webhook emitted by the cloudspokes platform when a challenge is��updated (future platform��feature, defined by YOU in this challenge)
- The zap should allow field mapping (for example the Challenge End Date gets mapped to a particular column of the Smartsheet)
- Zapier best practices should be followed, and the Zap built to be reusable