Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Create a RESTful web service in Java that runs in Google App Engine.
Create a GroupSettingsServices class that extends the provided class PowerToolsGenericServlet. PowerToolsGenericServlet is an abstract class that extends HTTP servlet, and uses the template method pattern to delegate the implementation of each one of the HTTP methods to subclasses. ��Reference Group Resource for details of group settings properties.
Exception Handling:
Your code should expect to receive HTTP 5XX responses from the API server indicating that your quota has been exceeded or inconsequential server errors have occurred. If you get these responses, use an exponential back-off algorithm to retry your requests. �� A recommended exponential back-off algorithm is provided here.��
Refer to this google doc for for specific requirements.��


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30037909