eDiscovery for Google Docs

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Flow of the app:

1. Admin user logs into the web interface
2. Either uploads or has the capability to enter email addresses into a TextArea, comma-delimited (CSV)
3. Admin user clicks on "Start Audit", and submits the email addresses specified on Step#2 to be queued for Docs extraction.
4. Once, the user is selected as part of the input for Audit, the app should immediately pull down all the gDocs associated to the user and create:
�� ��- pdf files for all types of gDocs
�� ��-��files as they were uploaded, no conversion necessary for those.��
5. Admin User sees a list of Users for Audit on Step #2, with their links, that points to the files generated in Step#4.
6. Interface should have the capability to zip all of the files for a given user and present it as a link for download.��


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30037968