Evernote Salesforce Mobile Note Activity Connector

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Use the Evernote Cloud API to create an iPhone or iPad app which uses OAuth to read notes from Evernote and present them in an interface which could ���push��� those notes to Salesforce as an Activity. It would be ideal if the selection of Evernote documents would be configurable to ���tagged with...��� or ���in Notebook...��� so as to limit the results set presented in this app. Ideally though, it would be beneficial to also have a search function to grab any note from Evernote.
After selecting a note, the user would press a button which uses the salesforce.com Web Services API��or REST API to query Salesforce for all available Accounts to display in a picklist. The user will select the Account for the Activity and then hit Save. ��Upon hitting ���Save���, the following would be saved in salesforce for the Activity:

- Account is the account that the user selected in the picklist
- Assigned To is the current user
- Subject is the Evernote document title
- Comments is the Evernote document body
- Status is always set to completed
- Due Date is always set to today's date

Feel free to check out the Salesforce��Mobile SDK for resources.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30038034