Email a Photo to Chatter

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

An email service is an Apex class that implements the Messaging.InboundEmailHandler interface which allows you to process the contents, headers and attachments of an email sent to the service���s associated email address. When the service receives an email, it will use the subject of the email (e.g., Mike Smith) and try and find a contact in Salesforce by that name (if there are multiple contacts, simply use the first one found). If the record is found, it adds the attachment to the Chatter feed for the contact record and any text in the body of the email as the body for the Chatter post feed. Use the email address of the sender, find a user with that email address and set that user as the creator of the Chatter post.

Must have adequate test coverage (75%+).


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30038074