Challenge Overview
Please implement the following requirements:
The user should be able to specify a UNC path to the folder containing configuration files (examples provided). This will allow different folders to contain different sets of org credentials (if needed).
- Salesforce org credentials for accessing Story records with attached manifest items
- Webservice path to the API that creates a Package.xml����
- ANT files including the, build.xml
- The user should be able to specify a UNC path to the folder where a build folder where the SRC folders will be created with metadata from
The app has two methods the user can execute:
Create & Validate Build: The overall automation of this method should be similar to the following (shell script example provided)
- login in to the Production org that contains the Stories
- retrieve a Session Id from the login
Lookup the Story and/or Issue record IDs using an input parameter that contains multiple Story Names and/or Issue Names (sObject��������s Name field, example query provided)
- Provide separate inputs in the app for Story Names and Issue Names
- Remove (if previous exists) and create a build folder in the designated UNC path folder and name the folder based on a sequence number and/or timestamp for uniqueness
Execute a call to the AWS webservice endpoint passing record Ids and filter for "Add" or "Update" manifest items
- the webservice will return a package.xml
Execute a call to the AWS webservice endpoint passing record Ids and filter for "Delete" manifest items
- the webservice will return a package.xml
- rename the file to destructivechanges.xml
execute ANT build.xml bean for "retrieve"
- the package.xml should be retrieved from the target specified in the build.xml &
- the package.xml & destructivechanges.xml should be deployed with verifyOnly=true
- errors should be logged to a file and displayed in the app UI.
Validate Latest Build: The automation in this method should include:
- using the most recent build folder (based on sequence or timestamp - described above)
execute the ANT build.xml bean for "verify"
- the package.xml & destructivechanges.xml should be deployed with verifyOnly=true
- errors should be logged to a file and displayed in the app UI.
Create & Validate Build: The overall automation of this method should be similar to the following (shell script example provided)