Challenge Overview
Sign up for a Nike Developer Account.
Chatter - The following details for each activity
Chatter Username
Chatter - The following details for each activity
Chatter Username
�� "calories": 300,
�� �� �� "fuel": 900,
�� �� �� "distance": 2.3621999999999996,
�� �� �� "steps": 3000,
�� �� �� "duration": "0:01:00.0000",
�� �� �� "activityType": "ALL_DAY",
�� �� �� "startTime": "2012-02-23T08:00:00Z",
�� �� �� "status": "COMPLETE",
�� �� �� "deviceType": "FUELBAND",
You may use one SFDC API account to do all the chattering if you'd like. ��All Chattering will be done to a single Chatter group that will be configurable.
It is up to you on how to store each users Credentials for Nike+ and how the map to a Chatter user. ��
You can find Nike+ authentication details��here.
You can find Nike+ authentication details��here.
If you need a third party system to host the code on please use Heroku or Google App Engine.
Bonus - Chatter special events like level ups.