Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Write an application using Node and hosted on heroku that performs the signup process. Use the attached zip file in the Assets section as a starting point. These are the results from the Mobile CloudSpokes Site X (OAuth Login w/Node.js) challenge. You can run a demo for this code here.��

The flow should be that the root page provides some basic info about CloudSpokes (very minimal) but encourages the user to signup by clicking on one of the five icons (github, twitter, facebook, google or to start the OAuth dance. The flow should mimic our signup process on our site.��

When the OAuth provider returns from being authorized, it should display their data in the following form:

User-added image

The form should pass hidden fields with the name of OAuth provider they chose plus the email address returned (something like):

<input name="signup_complete_form[provider]" type="hidden" value="google" />
<input name="signup_complete_form[provider_username]" type="hidden" value="" />

The user may change their username and email address in the form but they are both requried (in addition to agreeing to the terms of service). The email address may be different from what is returned from the OAuth provider. When a valid form is submitted, simply post the results to�� as we'll take care of it from that point.

Use mocha for test coverage. BTW... we like jQuery Mobile.

We are striving for an app that looks great on a mobile device and is easy and simple to use.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30040192