Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

You will need to sign up for a free developer account on��������and get an integrator key in order to be able to call our API.
The types of bugs that we are looking for:
1)����errors due to a combination of parameters that should be valid
2)����unexpected behavior
3)����inconsistency in documentation or online tools
4)����sample code that doesn��������t work
5) Calls that don't work properly from
Stress tests and performance tests are not permitted. We run those tests only internally and avoid running it on live servers. ����If you are identified as a person who is running a stress test again your developer sandbox we will disqualify you from this contest.
The winners will be judged by the number of fully described bugs that you find. ����A full bug report needs to have:
1)����for API: a trace of the request / response to our server
2)����for API: the language and framework that you are using
3)����for UI: steps that you took to get to the error state starting with �������open a browser window�������
4)����for UI: a screenshot of the error state.
5)����your OS/Browser version
6)����date and time of the test


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30040734