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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

We have an existing HTML/Bootstrap/AngularJS application, "Estimates", that allows the user to create an Estimate for a project they are scoping out.  It allows the user to enter Scope line items and build a Timeline using a resource list and rate-card.  The backend data storage used is but we have implemented a library that intercepts all REST API calls and directs them to

Challenge Task Overview

For this challenge, we'd like to update Timeline tab to support inline Timeline Edit with knob.

Please check the following video to get a general guide about the goal to achieve.
the step should be in increments of 4 instead of 8 shown in the video above.

Data Requirements

-save - real time - no save button. - should only be saving the Resoure_JSON__c field during these changes.
-delete/trash button - "Are you sure" dialog just like current resource page.
-Summary tab should continue to function as it does today - realtime changes to timeline cause changes to summary calculations.

Coding Guideline

Follow the new coding requirements document provided in the zip (attached in forum).


Download the .zip file with the code.  Extract.  launch on a local webserver.
Firebase Setup:
1.  Go to and sign up if not already done.  Create a firebase.  Copy it's url. 
2.  Import firebase_start.json (attached in forum) to your firebase for some starter data.
3.  Edit cmc/src/wm/estimates/index.html line 21 to go to your firebase url you copied in step 1 above.
Launch webserver (any web server, apache, tomcat etc) and navigate browser to:

Final Submission Guidelines

Solution must be written in angular.js, jQuery Knob and javascript.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30040860