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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

The client for this project is the Planning and Zoning Resource Corporation (PZR).  PZR collects public zoning information on individual pieces of commercial properties, analyzes this information, and generates reports for a variety of clients and stakeholders.

Competition Task Overview

The front-end module will provide all the necessary pages and corresponding front-end controllers for all the new user interfaces.

Note that internal website and customer website are separate sites that will be deployed separately, and both websites are in scope.

Internal website will expose all backend POJO services as JSON REST web services, and frontend JavaScript will interact with the JSON REST web services.

In Customer website frontend controllers/JavaScript will generally call internal website JSON REST web services to integrate with internal website.

See Frontend_module_architecture.docx for detailed requriements.

Architecture Updates

Please note that due to client requests, we made some updates to existing architectures, so in addition to going through system architecture and module architecture documents, make sure you carefully examine the "Architecture Updates" too. The frontend architecture must work with the latest wireframes (PZR Wireframe Revision Ver If you see any more changes needed to backend during this challenge, you must include these changes as part of your submission.

The src folder contains the latest code we have so far and is provided for reference only.

Open Source Library

If you need to use libraries not in the list below, please check with us first.

Technology Overview

  • Java 6
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • JSPJPA 2.0
  • Spring 3.2.8
  • PDFBox 1.8.4
  • Velocity 1.7
  • Quartz Scheduler 2.2.1
  • MySQL 5.6
  • POI 3.10
  • Log4j 1.2.17
  • JavaMail 1.5.1
  • OpenJPA 2.2.2
  • jQuery 1.11.0
  • IPP Java SDK for QuickBooks 3.0
  • recaptcha4j 0.0.8

Documentation Provided

Register to download documents from contest forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

  • Application Design Specification
  • Class Diagrams
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Assembly Specifications
  • ERD
  • Mapping from architecture to pages from wireframes.

Submission Guidelines

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30041809