EBC Meeting Planner - Admin Storyboard Design Challenge


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Challenge Summary

Welcome to EBC Meeting Planner - Admin Storyboard Design Challenge.We recently completed a design the EBC Meeting planner - Attendees Design Challenge, you will need to follow the same look & feel from this admin application.  In this challenge, we are looking for your design ideas for EBC admin application that will be used to manage the contents for the front-end EBC Meeting Planner Application. 

We are excited to kick-off this project and see what design ideas you have!

Round 1

Submit your initial screen for Checkpoint feedback

0. Back Office Home
1. Agendas

2. Biographies
3. Speaker Presentation

Feel free to add any other additional screens which are necessary to explain your concept.
Notes.jpg: Any comments about your design for the Client
Make sure all pages have correct flow! Use correct file numbering. (00, 01, 02, 03)

Round 2

Your Final designs for all the required page with all checkpoint feedback implemented.

Feel free to add any other additional screens which are necessary to explain your concept and flow
Notes.jpg: Any comments about your design for the Client
Make sure all pages have correct flow! Use correct file numbering. (00, 01, 02, 03)

The purpose of the challenge is to come up with designs for EBC - Admin Application, which will be used to manage the contents of the EBC - Attendees Application.

About the Application:
The EBC routinely hosts executives to outline service offerings, promote sales, and offer solutions to complex organizational needs. The EBC platform has the unique opportunity to host and display a varied agenda to top-level executives.

1) User is logged in:
- All specific meeting information is accessed only by the people attending the meeting
- No personal information such as a phone number is available to any other participant or casual viewer
- No attendee information is shared with other attendees or other registered users.

2) User is not logged in (Guest – unregistered User):
- For a non-registered user, all information will be shown as a preview or overview information. 
- They will have the ability to tour the application which will be a general presentation about the company.
- User can request additional information through the application.

3) Admin:
- An admin should have complete control of meeting materials, and will have the ability to update the information which will be reflected in both the Web and Mobile application.
- Information content should be secure and specific meeting information presented to each participant while allowing the casual viewer to surf through content that will inform and create interest in the EBC, but not see information pertaining to individual participants or information about specific meetings being conducted within the EBC.

Design Considerations:
- Please follow the look & feel from the attached designs..
- Please continue to use a placeholder for logo
- We need the page size as 1024px as width and height as required..
- White Label refers that this application will later be rebranded to a specific brand.

Required Pages:
For this challenge, we will be designing the Back Office Admin screens..

0. Back Office Home:
- Need to have a menu that gives access to all areas which includes “Agendas, Biographies, Speaker Presentations, Destinations, Rooms, Dietary Requests/Menus and Login/PIN creation”
- How can these menu be presented in the homepage?
- We need a way to edit the webpage tour information created for displaying in attendee’s application. “Tour information” is general presentation information about the organization and the EBC in general.
- Please Note: We need to allow room for a message to let the user know that the information that they are sharing in the below areas WILL NOT be visible to other attendees and that their information is PRIVATE.

1. Agendas: (Page 10 of PDF)
- Need a consistent header with menu items to access other admin pages.
- Actions: In this page, we need to have these options “Create New Agenda, List of Agendas, View an Agenda (preview), Update an Agenda, Archive Agenda and Agenda template” think on how it can be presented.
- How can we display the already created agendas, probably show it as a list? Also, how to differentiate between an active agendas and completed agendas (i.e. meeting for which the agenda was created is completed).
- What are the action items that need to be associated for each of the agenda (update, remove, archive, view)?
- What are the options we can show to filter the agendas table?
- Agenda will be created for specific meetings at specific date, times, location, rooms and have specific presentations, speakers, coordinators and contact links. You may use these details as required to create an agenda.
- Should allow the use of template to simplify the creation of a new agenda

2. Biography (BIO’s): (Page 11 of PDF)
- Actions: In this page, we need to have these options “Create New BIO, List of BIO’s, View BIO (preview), Update BIO, Archive BIO and BIO template” think on how it can be presented.
- How can we display all the BIO’s probably show it as a list?
- What are the options we can show to filter the BIO’s table?
- What are the action items that need to be associated for each of the BIO (update, remove, archive, view)?
- BIO’s will be created with description about the speaker, presentation, and topic specific, information links to speaker slides/notes. You may use these details as required to create a biography.
- Note that BIO’s can be reused across multiple meetings.
- Should allow the use of template to simplify the creation of a new BIO.

3. Speaker Presentation: (Page 12 of PDF)
- Actions: In this page, we need to have these options “Create Speaker Presentation, List of Speaker Presentations, View Speaker Presentation (preview), Update Speaker Presentation, Archive Speaker Presentation and Presentation template” think on how it can be presented.
- How can we display already created speaker presentation, probably show it as a list?
- What are the options we can show to filter the BIO’s table?
- What are the action items that need to be associated for each of the Speaker Presentation (update, remove, archive, view)?
- Speaker Presentation will be created for specific meetings at specific date, times, location, presentation, topic specific and will be associated with a speaker. You may use these details as required to create a speaker presentation.
- Note that Speaker Presentation can be reused across multiple meetings, dates, and locations.
- Should allow the use of template to simplify the creation of a new speaker presentation.
- Speaker presentations could be PowerPoint presentations the speaker prepares  - how to store and retrieve that information in format that works with web and mobile app?

4. Destinations: (Page 13 of PDF)
- Actions: In this page, we need to have these options “Create Destination, List of Destinations and Destination template” think on how it can be presented.
- How can we display the already created Destinations, probably show it as a list?
- What are the options we can show to filter the Destinations table?
- Note that Destination locations can be reused across multiple meetings.
- What are the action items that need to be associated for each of the destination (update, remove)?
- Destinations will be created for specific meetings and have specific address, contact information. You may use these details as required to create a destination.
- Specific meetings are created for destinations – generally the destination is static – it is where the EBC is located and meeting are held in only a limited number of destinations
- Should allow the use of template to simplify the creation of a new destination.

5. Rooms: (Page 14 of PDF)
- Actions: In this page, we need to have these options “Create Room, List of Rooms and Room template” think on how it can be presented.
- How can we display the already created Rooms, probably show it as a list?
- What are the options we can show to filter the Rooms list?
- What are the action items that need to be associated for each of the room (update, remove)?
- Rooms in the destinations are generally static – they are existing rooms in the locations of the organization – there can be times when the times when special rooms are required to be defined for specific meetings too.
- Rooms will be used for specific meetings and have details as description of the equipment available, seating capacity, contact information, will have association with destinations (multiple rooms can be assigned to a destination) and any other information that you think would be helpful can be included. You may use these details as required to create a room.
- Note that Rooms can be reused across multiple meetings.
- Should allow the use of template to simplify the creation of a new room.

6. Menus: (Page 15 of PDF)
- Meeting coordinator creates the menu for the meeting.
- Menus are specific to Rooms, meetings, and specific day (date).
- Multiple menus can be related to a meeting.
- A Menu will be organized based on the timings for a day (Morning Gathering/Continental Breakfast, Morning Break, Lunch, Afternoon Snack/Break, Dinner)
- Dietary needs can be collected for a meeting.
- Off site meal arrangements can be posted to the menu for a meeting, which includes the following, details “Location of Meal, Directions, Host Information, Contact Information, Time, Discussion of Topic”.
- Dietary and Allergic information can be noted for specific meeting attendee and coordinated.
- Diabetes or other diet related information are collected from the attendees and notes.

7. Registration Information:  (Page 16 of PDF)
- Below details are requested from a web visitor.
- Name (First, Middle, Last), Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss) ,���Company /Organization Name, ���Location,��� Phone/Cell Phone,��� Email, ���Contact Name,��� Phone/Cell Phone, ���Address,��� Title,��� Topic Interested in,��� Available dates, ���Preferred Method of Contact”.
- A registered user can be added to a meeting.
- Think on how the information about the registrants can be shown and how to filter them (meetings, specific locations etc…)
- Status of the registrants can be “Active, Inactive and other”.
- Whichever attendees request more information about a company from the EBC meeting planner application will become registered users and get Login/PIN assignments.
- Once the meeting time is passed and a reasonable amount of time has passed the Login/Pin expires - that person then reverts to a “Guest User” in the EBC - Meeting Planner (attendees) application until such time they are scheduled for another meeting - then they again have login/PIN access assigned and see specific information on the specific meeting they are scheduled to attend.

8. Mobile Notifications:
We need a way for the admins to receive the notifications in an mobile.
- Admin should have the ability to view the details of the notification.
- They should also be able to respond to any request raised by an attendee.
- Expected screen size for this screen is 320 x 480 px. 
- Looking forward to your ideas, feel free to add any required screens to show the design flow.

Target Audience
- Admins

Judging Criteria
- How well you design the provided design challenge
- Cleanliness of your graphics and design.
- Design and User Experience.

Submission & Source Files
Preview Image

Create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024 JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.

Submission File
Please upload PNG images in a zip file with all requested contest requirements stated above. Number your files (01, 02, 03, etc) this will help review them in order.

Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator and saved as layered PSD/AI files.

Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify your graphics, images (sizes or colors) or modify overall colors. 

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and final fixes (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "Submission.zip" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "Source.zip" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • Layered PSD files created in Adobe Photoshop or similar
  • AI files created in Adobe Illustrator or similar

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit

5 submissions

ID: 30042542