Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview

The Global Service Activity System (SAS) is a web based application used to track project related service activities. Users can create and edit service activity data, perform on-line inquiry, filtering/sorting of that data, and generate either a service activity summary or detailed reports.

Competition Task Overview

This assembly will provide initial frontend implementation.

For details please see attached module architecture in contest forum.

Client Standards

Clent's development standards must be followed (attached in contest forum withing the module architecture).

Project Sturcture

You must use the following directory structure:

"\" - This is the root dir and will eventually contain a parent pom to build all the sub modules
"\doc" - This is the doc directory
"\code" - Code directory
"\code\sas-model" - This will contain the \src directory and the pom.xml for the models and exceptions assembly
"\code\<zzzzzz>" - The next module assembly will have it's own sub-dir

Library versions

You must use the exact versions of libraries as listed below.

Base code & bugs

You must use the provided code as base and add a sepraate folder sas-frontend.

If there are bugs in existing backend code you're responsibile for fixing them so you can complete the tasks for this assembly.


Unit test should be provided for the mentioned controllers, AJAXExceptionResolver and MaintenanceInterceptor.

Exiting tests must be maintained if you fix any bug in existing backend code.

Technology Overview

  • Java 6 (1.6.0_26), jaxb-api-2.1.jar, jaxws-api-2.1.jar
  • Log4j 1.2.17
  • Jackson 1.9.9
  • Hibernate 3.2.5
  • Maven 3.0.5 (NOTE: we have upgraded to use Maven 3.0.5)
  • JSP
  • Javascript

Documentation Provided

Register to see documents provided in contest forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Fully implemented code as defined in the architecture and assembly spec
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to build and test your submission
  • Junit Tests to verify your code
  • The maven build script to build and test your submission

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30042719