!FAST - Min Config Server Updates Assembly 2

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Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

We have previously built a cool app that allows us to quickly share video/photo/web page with others. We built the server code using node.js and we need to make a few changes to the server code.

Existing App

For details on how to quickly try the app, see details in challenge forum.

Detailed Requirements

When content (video, photo, url etc.) is being uploaded, the user must see a message on the TV screen indicating that this is happening, with a progress indicator. 

The indicator must show an upload percentage accurate to within 5%.

For photos:
 - the messages must be "A photo is being uploaded and is XX% complete."
 - the message should simply disappear once the photo is displayed.

For videos:
 - the messages must be "A video is being uploaded and is XX% complete."
 - the message should simply disappear once the video starts playing.
   Since we are using pogressive upload, the video will start playing BEFORE it's completely uploaded.

For URLs:
 - The message must be "A web page [insert the url here] is being uploaded."
    Replace [insert the url here] with teh actual url being uploaded.
 - This message shoudl replace the current "User shared a web page..." message.
 - When the upload is complet, the message should change to
   the "A user shared a web page: "[insert the url here].
For photos and videos, if there is currently content displaying on the screen, this message should appear across the bottom of the screen, below the content. The text must be small so that it does not take up much space.


You need to provide manual demos to verify your implementation.

Technology Overview

  • Node.js
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • iOS (optional)
  • xCode (optional)

Documentation Provided

Register to download existing code from challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

A complete list of deliverables can be viewed in the TopCoder Assembly competition Tutorial at: http://apps.topcoder.com/wiki/display/tc/Assembly+Competition+Tutorials 

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Updated server code with all mentioned requriements implemented.
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30042766