Challenge Overview
Project Overview
This project, the CSFV Community Gaming website project will provide the web site infrastructure and integration of the games. This will be a web site that is available on the Internet, and also will be delivered in a form where the server and the games can be installed and used behind a firewall.
The goal of this challenge is to simplify the deployment of CSFV minisite websites.
Challenge Requirements
In current deployment, we have different set of configuration files to maintain, if it is development environment the files are config/configuration.js, and config/settings-dev.js, if it is production the files are config/configuration.js and config/setting-prod.js.
What you are changing in this challenge :
- Add .env_sample to root directory, this sample will be cloned into .env when deploying and will be read by configuration.
- Use .env file to contain key/value pairs to replace config/settings-prod.js and config/settings-dev.js. The config/settings.js should also be removed.
- config/configuration.js should not include any hardcoded value that depends on the environment, everything should be moved to .env file instead.
- config/configuration.js will read environment variables directly from .env file.
- We don't want to include .env file in CSFV repo so you need to add it to .gitignore file, add .env_sample file instead, this file will be cloned into .env.
- We use 'forever' module in production, your solution must properly allow forever to parse and read .env file and pass it to config/configuration.js, if it is not supported by forever then you need to add support from withinc config/configuration.js to allow reading .env file.
- Cleanup the files we no more need.
- The scope are the 5 minisites.
Github Code
We have the CSFV code base in private account, please request access in forums if you don't have. the branches are (minisite1, minisite2, minisite3, minisite4, and minisite5)
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission Deliverables
Patch file of the changes with text file including any notes about setting up and verifying your solution.
Final Submission
For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.