Challenge Overview

Project Overview

BrivoLabs has a beta version of a node.js/coffeescript application that is called Social Access Management (SAM) API. It uses postgres database, runs on heroku, consists of both a web and a worker process, and uses a redis-based message queue to communicate between them.

Competition Task Overview

You are provided with an updated Architecture documents, you will implement the new requirements outlined in  Brivo_Labs_SAM_OAuth_Server_Update_Assembly_Specification.docx document in addition to the following changes :

  • When in "dev_mode" the app should validate that the "apikey" header is present and non-null (simulating what is done by mashery).
    • what is dev_mode?
      • SAM API is using Mashery as API product managment tool, Mashery proxy requrie specific headers to be present, we added dev_mode to exclude setting headers when doing development, one of these headers is "apikey" and we need to use it in dev_mode
  • In postman, Combine the two versions of "oauth server" folder. There should be only one style of authentication. Note that the /authorize service takes either client_id or apikey depending. This should consistently use "client_id" as a parameter and "apikey" in the header.
  • Do not validate redirect_url in dev_mode (this concept does not exist in mashery)

Documentation Provided

Provided in challenge forums :

  • Updated architecture documents :
  • Api Source Code :

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • Patch file of the changed files.
  • A complete and detailed deployment document explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2014 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30043235