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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

Build this mobile Enterprise app for iOS 8 and learn new technology and how to integrate new cool programming language Swift and Objetive-C.

Build a mobile native app for iOS 8 using new Apple programming language Swift and Salesforce Mobile SDK (available on github). This project will require integrating Swift code and Objective-C code libraries provided by Salefroce SDK. Create this app in Swift for iOS 8 to use OAuth to loging to Salesforce Developer Org. This app will demostrate how to build mobile applcation in Swift using Saleforce as backend data stoarge.

No significant deapth of knowledge required on features only to be able to authenticate and query list of Contacts for demo purposes.

Mobile SDK native templates can generate Objective-C application that has most of tis basic functionality and Contact query in place as starting point. The objective of this challenge is to Integrate this SDK with Swift and build new cool app demo for iOS 8.

Competition Task Overview

For this PoC, the following features are required:

  • Native/iPhone/iOS 8,  bundle ID is
  • Integrate Salesforce Mobile SDK with Swift in Xcode 6 project
  • Use OAuth to establish connection to Salesforce (provided methods with SDK)
  • Using REST Kit from SDK query list of Conacts from Salesforce and display data in a Listview
  • For development provision a free Salesforce Developer organization
  • Use simple SOQL query to display list of data from Contact object

UI Guidlines

  • Use new UI features of iSO 8 for display of data
  • Can use  List View to display data
  • Dynamic Type and Self Sizing cells

Can be creative on this challenge, requirements are open to imagination but focus on using the new iOS features to show the data.

Final Submission Guidelines

Technology Overview

  • iOS 8
  • Swift
  • Objective-C
  • Salesforce Mobiel SDK
  • XCode 6
  • iPhone, iPad

Documentation Provided

Mobile SDK - download available on github:


2014 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30043293