Challenge Overview

Project Overview:

Welcome to the Hermes Partners Admin HTML5 Prototype Challenge - Part2! The goal of this challenge is to create a Responsive HTML5 Prototype application based on the provided storyboard designs using AngularJS, JSON, Select2 and Bootstrap development frameworks - (reuse existing prototype styles and scripts).

As part of this challenge you will need to document all HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript code. We need clear explanation of the code to help us figure all the HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript code functions and make it easier for future developers and the client to understand what you have built.

NOTE: This application will use AngularJS Framework (,, Internationalization & Localization (, Language Translations (, Select2 ( and Bootstrap 3 ( Please follow coding standards and write clean code.

IMPORTART: As per the project schedules the review timelines are very close. Reviewers and participants please note the review timelines for further reference.

Tips for Success: Asking questions early and getting Copilot or PM's feedback is very important for the success of this challenge.

Competition Task Overview:

The main task of this competition is to develop a Responsive HTML5 prototype based on the provided storyboard designs using required advanced JavaScript libraries. Your prototype must work properly in all required browsers - (use HTML5shiv to support IE9 version).

Required Pages:

Below are the required pages for this prototype - (please follow new storyboard screens, wireframes and reuse existing prototype styles or scripts).

1. Company:

  • User opens the application and will see the page with options to choose "Admin" or "Account Manager" - (we don't have screen, but similar to 01_Company_1 popup).
  • If user selects "Account Manager", then show user the next select company popup (01_Company_1).
  • Once user selects company, navigate user to company page (01_Company_2).
  • If user selects "Admin", then navigate user to "Job Grading" page - (this will be integrated later, but you could keep empty page for now).

2. Styles & Climate:

  • Once user selects "Styles & Climate" tab at header, navigate user to styles & climate page (02_Styles_&_Climate_1).
  • You need to follow the attached wireframes for functionality and design screens for styles & climate tab.
  • If you could simulate with extra permission screen (06_Styles_&_Climate) and without extra permission screen (05_Styles_&_Climate).
  • The additional leadership screens (07_Styles_&_Climate) are nothing but other subtab contents under PPAP Plan found on screen (06_Styles_&_Climate).

Key/Value Translation:

Updates on existing storyboard designs:

  • All Images - When building the HTML, all references to Gatekeepers should be replaced with "Super Administrators".
  • 01_Company_1 - Company selection – the search field expands to show a list, there shouldn’t be two controls on the window (a search field and a dropdown menu).
  • 01_Company_2 - On the company tab, the ‘more apps’ footer should be removed.
  • Styles & Climates tabs - The buttons to edit GKs and Admins and valid domains are too clunky, make more subtle - (show links instead of buttons).
  • 02_Styles&Climate_3 and _4 - these pages are missing the 'Gatekeeper' row. Need to ensure all screens are consistent and show both Admin and GK.
  • 03_Styles&Climate_2 - In the Leaderboard settings section, the options with the red subtext should NOT be checked off.
  • 05_Styles&Climate - This page represents the default Admin view without any additional privileges. The 'edit' buttons by the GK and Admins should be removed as Admins cannot edit personnel.
  • 06_Styles&Climate - This is also the Admin view, but with all additional privileges. Same as above, remove GK and Admin ‘add’ link.
  • 07_Styles&Climate_1 - Remove the grey header background from the 'Team tips' and 'One-time' tips. Each of the tip types (Team, One-on-one, one-time) will be split into PPAP vs Company. The way it looks right now, you would think that Team tips and one-time tips are continuations of the same table. They shouldn’t be.
  • 07_Styles&Climate_1 - Under the 'company tips' header, the first tip should be in edit mode, this is correct. The second tip should have been in post-edit mode but they changed it to edit mode. This is a problem because there's no longer any direction for the behavior or a company tip that has just been created.
  • 07_Styles&Climate_1 - Team tip and One-time tip sections need to look like the One-on-one section with regard to the PPAP group section (with all applicable headers and checkboxes) and a company tips section below it.
  • 08_Styles&Climate_1 and _2 - The text in the name boxes is greyed out, giving the impression that it cannot be edited. This is incorrect, text should be editable.
  • 09_Styles&Climate_7 - This was not reflected in the wireframes, but I think it should be important to build. If some of the users selected to assign a leaderboard to do not already have Styles & Climate, the system should give the user the option to review the selected users and see if some may have been chosen in error. Would be as simple as adding a 'go back and review' button or something similar.

Specific HTML/CSS/JavaScript Requirements:

  • HTML/CSS Requirements:
  • Your HTML code must be valid HTML5 and follow best practices
  • Validate your code - reviewers may accept minor validation errors, but please comment your reason for any validation errors. Use the validators listed in the scorecard.
  • Use CSS to space out objects, not clear/transparent images (GIFs or PNGs) and use proper structural CSS to lay out your page. Only use table tags for tables of data/information and not for page layout.
  • No inline CSS styles - all styles must be placed in an external style-sheet.
  • Use semantically correct tags - use H tags for headers, etc. Use strong and em tags instead of bold and italic tags.
  • Element and Attribute names should be in lowercase and use a "-" or camel naming to separate multiple-word classes (i.e. "main-content", or "mainContent")
  • Label all CSS, JavaScript, or HTML hacks with explanations so others will understand.
  • Your code must render properly in all browsers listed in the scorecard in both Mac and PC environments.

Font Requirements:

Use font - OpenSans.

JavaScript Requirements:

All JavaScript must not have a copyright by a third party. You are encouraged to use your own scripts, or scripts that are free, publicly available and do not have copyright statements or author recognition requirements anywhere in the code. We would like to use following JavaScript libraries:

Browsers Requirements:

  • IE 9+ Browsers on PC - (use HTML5shiv to support IE9 version)
  • Latest Safari Browser on iPad, MAC and PC
  • Latest Chrome Browser on MAC and PC
  • Latest Firefox Browser on MAC and PC

Documentation Provided:

Please register to see attached documents.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables:

Final Submission:

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30043772