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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the [Bug Bounty] - TC New Community Website Bug Hunt Challenge! This is a Bug Bounty - Bug Hunt Challenge, the goal of this challenge is to find bugs in our new [topcoder] website and report these bugs in our GitLab project

Bug Bounty is a program that will pay community members to report bugs via a bug hunt challenge. Then when bugs are verified, we launch a code fix challenge for our community members to fix these bugs. More info on the Bug Bounty program can be viewed here

Challenge Objective

We want to check for bugs on the following scope:
1. Sign Up and Login

2. Challenge List pages, including the following:
- All the track pages (All, Graphic Design, Software Development, and Data Science)
- All the tabs (Open Challenges, Past Challenges, and Upcoming Challenges)
- View Mode (list view and grid view)
- Pagination (View All, Next, and Prev)
- Sorting
- Search Filter
- and any other parts/functions related to challenge listing page

3. Challenge Details, including the following:
- All 3 track type (Graphic Design, Software Development, and Data Science)
- All the tabs (Details, Registrants, Submissions, Results, etc...)
- Registering and Submitting to a challenge, you can test from this challenge

4.Viewing member profiles (all parts and all 3 tracks) 

Browser Requirements

Page and Functioanlity should be tested in all mainstream browsers.
- IE10
- IE11
- Latest Safari
- Latest Firefox
- Latest Chrome 

Ticket Logging

We will be using GitLab as the issue management, here's the outline of the process:
- You will need to create an account in GitLab if you haven't had yet
- Once you register for this challenge, send us GitLab login to and to
- We will add you to the developers group on a repo in GitLab. This will give you access to work on issues, create branches, and pull requests.


- [topcoder] will compensate members with first place submissions.
- The winner will be the member with the most accepted reports of valid bugs. 
- For non-winning members, there will be a $5 prize for each valid bug found that isn't in the winning submission.
- If two submitters submit the same bug report, the submitter who submitted the report first into GitLab will get credit for the bug. The second submitter will not.
- If two or more bugs that belongs to same submitter and has only slight changes, only 1 issue will be counted
- bug report should have a complete information requirements outlined in the Final Submission Guidelines or else it will not be counted.

Final Submission Guidelines

For each bugs, we need the following information: 
- Detailed description of the bug or at least a description that make sense
- Steps to reproduce, including any needed information
- Screenshots or screencasts
- Expected results
- Current results
- Browser and version 

Important Notice:

If you do not properly document your bug reports, they will likely be rejected due to lack of information or documentation. Also, make sure your bug reports are reasonably general. 

If you submit the same bug that is seen in multiple screens, for instance, you will likely only get credit for the original bug report. The others will all be closed as duplicates. 

You need report your issues in GitLab and you MUST submit a text file with a list of your reported bugs into Online Review (OR) during the submission phase, for review purposes. If you do not do this, you will not get credit for any logged bugs! 

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30044871