Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to our 48 hour code blitz! We're sending everything we've got at this feature we need to tackle fast!

To participate:
1. Post to forum with your GitHub handle. We will get you added as fast as possible.
2. Check out the External Aggregator Code. The spec where it was developed is included in the forums.
3. Add to that code with our new feature request!


Our system is currently crawling the specified RSS feeds and placing that data into our back end. That data is then aggregated and served up to our front end client using our REST API.

What is missing right now are images to show in the front end for each article. If you take a look at the demo environment linked here you will see various headlines both on the front page and inside the technology category, but you'll see no images! Our goal in this blitz is to fix that.

Update the code which crawls the RSS feeds and have it also pull down the (one) largest image included in the linked article. That image needs to be stored in the back end of the application someplace and mapped to the article in the node table. We hear jsoup is a very good library to use for this kind of thing!

Once you're saving the images, update the REST API included to include a link to that image (hosted on our Drupal server) whenever the REST API returns information on an article. The image will be grabbed and fit into the front end in a later challenge.


Final Submission Guidelines

Submit your source code in a zip file to Online Review.

Winning submission will be requested to submit a pull request to the GitHub repository after the winner is selected.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30045605