Challenge Overview

We're steaming towards the finish line on our Mobile Magazine application! No social app, however, is complete without Twitter making an appearance!

To participate:

1. Post your Github handle in the thread in the forums. We will get you in there as soon as possible!
2. Grab the code from there, and check the forums for the social media prototype pages.


You will be provided with a UI Prototype which has working templates for how the twitter feed should look. Your code must support the following features:

Core Features:

  • Feed displays a list of tweets in the logged in users timeline.
  • On the feed page the user can favorite a tweet or retweet it with a click/tap.
  • If a user clicks on a tweet, it should open the single post display page from the prototype with the contents of the tweet as well as the replies to that tweet. User can favorite/retweet from this page as well.
  • If the user clicks on another user, give them a warning prompt that the link will open outside of the application and redirect to that users page if user confirms.

Home Page:

The home page of the main application has 4 tiles on the right hand side of the screen. One is prototyped out for Twitter. In that tile display the first post in the users timeline. When clicked direct to the feed page.


In the prototype there is a page called settings. Add the authentication for Twitter there. You will need to collect username and password, then authenticate using OAuth.

Back End:

We are aware of technical limitations with the Twitter API which may not allow you to call the API directly from Angular, and must make all your calls from a server. This application already uses a server which has Drupal set up, and a REST API layer sitting on top of it.

If you need to build a server-side process to support the features above, you may do so. Be sure to document any additonal API calls required to be developed to support this activity.

Keep in mind that while there isn't full authentication for the application yet, this app will be used by many users at once. Be sure your server code will support this!!!

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit your source code to TopCoder Online Review.

Winning submission will be asked to provide a pull request to the Github repository and merge the code.


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30045612