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Challenge Overview

We love using Github to build apps, add enhancements and fix issues. We want to allow members to assign themseles to issues to make the process more self service. There are two problem we face:

1. To be able to assing themselves to issues, members must be a team member of the repo. 

2. Once member are added as team member, they assign themselves to as many issue as they'd like and block other members from participating.

We want an iPhone/iPad app where a member can authenticate with their github credentials, view a list of repos that have open issues (you can hardcode any 3 or more repos that you own for test/demo purposes) and assign themselves to at the most 2 issue per repo. Since non-team member can't assign themselves to issues, you'll need make the API call with a user that IS a team mebmer (probably your own account for the demo).

Feel free to add any bells and whistles. The cooler the app the better.

Final Submission Guidelines

There are no restrictions on frameworks but your application should be written using Swift as much as possible.  If you use Objective-C and someone else obtains the same functionality using Swift, they will be given precedence. All applications must pass the Appeals stage from other participants. If you used Objective-C or any other framework, please briefly expain the rationale and why you used it over straight Swift. 

Use Xcode beta 6 or later. Upload your Xcode project with a recording of your game (using the simulator) in action showing its functionality. You can use Jing for the video as it is free.


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30045639