Challenge Overview
Travel Buddy is a ride sharing application that Praxair employees can use to coordinate ride sharing on company trips. It’s a fun way to encourage collaboration and company interaction. In this internal “UBER-like” experience, Praxair employees can offer rides, join rides, chat about upcoming trips, and get suggestions from the APP and it’s users on where to stay, eat, and play on their trips.
We have already completed an initial wireframe, UI design concept, and initial game plan to get this project started. We're looking for a copilot to help validate the Game Plan and start bringing this applicaiton to life through the development challenges (prototype, back end services, front end services).
This app is geared towards internal Engineer and Scientist employees, intended to work for iPhone and Android devices. Looking to build out an initial core application with minimal features, and then potentially expand the features in future projects.
Type of the app to build:
cross platform, mobile
Cross-platform framework:
Cordova (PhoneGap)
Original or adaptation status:
Form factor:
Screen orientation:
Screen resolution:
Low resolution
Motion sensing:
Geo location:
Additional features: