Module Assembly - TopCoder Competition Engine - Setup SnowCleaning Problem and Contest

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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

TopCoder Competition Engine is a system used for Single Round Matches (SRM) and Marathon Matches (MM).

Competition Task Overview

Previously, through PoC Assembly - TopCoder Competition Engine - Problems PreSetup and PoC Assembly - TopCoder Competition Engine - Contest PreSetup, we have pre-setup TestProblem and BlackAndWhiteGame problems in database and corresponding matches.

You can find the corresponding pieces at

Previous Approach

The normal approach used in the previous steps are to use MPSQAS client and Admin tool setup the problem and contest first, and extract the content, and define the sqls for scripts svn.


For this challenge, we'd like to follow the similar approach and document the steps you used to extra the content and define the sqls.

So in later phase, we can seek ways to simplify the steps and setup more problems easily for Arena VM environment to better testing.


To verify your approach, please use the SnowCleaning problem, see forum for reference.

Generally, you are expected to generate a list of sqls and files that can be applied to scripts svn,  you can do the following steps to get the informix database in Arena VM.

  1. login as apps account
  2. switch to informix account (password is 1nf0rm1x)
  3. onmode -ky
  4. oninit 
  5. apply the changes to scripts directory
  6. ant reinstall_db
  7. using MPSQAS client and Admin tool to check the problem and contest are properly setup, and it is able to compile and test.

Winner Responsibility

Winner will be responsible to create pull request in final fix phase, and help with the merge.

About Code Base

For the code under /home/apps/dev directory, some are hosted in internal svn repositories, some are hosted in private repositories in github.

You can check Source Code Management For TopCoder Competition Engine - TopCoder Wiki

For SVN Access, please send request to, For github access, please post your github account in forum to ask PM to grant you access.

Arena VM Usage

Before asking your own VM, you need to have a public key on your profile before asking for the VM.

You can find more details on how to generate a key and how to connect using it

Please reference for general usage.

Previously, we have made several update for the Arena VM.  So when the Arena VM allocated is available for you, there is a problem and a SRM contest already setup, you can reuse that for testing.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:

  • new/changed files for scripts svn to setup the SnowCleaning problem.
  • Clear Guide about the steps to extract the content and define the sqls
  • Working VM environment for verification.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded to the Online Review Tool.


2015 topcoder Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30046491